Never let it be said that I don't listen to the readers of this here fine slice of the series of tubes. Last week, I repeated that you're more than welcome to make requests or share your favorite sideboob images with me (or anything else saucy:, and we received a request in the comments for Ms. Scarlett Johansson. I have met this request and then some below. While trying to decide on a picture to use, I came across so many that would be perfect for our favorite Friday feature here that I had no idea how to pare them down. So I decided to make today a Scarlett-exclusive Sideboob Friday. And even getting down to the following three winning pictures was a very, very hard job, made harder by Scarlett's boobies. But it's a labor of love and I do it all for you, the loyal readers.
Anyhow, away we go...There's something wonderful about this first picture. You can tell that her boobies are real and not fakely jacked up by the way they gently lop to the side. She's even almost got a love handle showing there. And we all know "real" girls are the best. In this picture, I like to figure she was chilly and so she threw on a sweater... and then her plane landed in Phoenix and so, well, it's hot there. Open it up and let those things breathe!
Here we have an all-star photograph of Scarlett. Sweet bejeezus, she's a gorgeous woman. Not sure what else there is to say here. Except to wonder if she's dreaming about one day making it into Sideboob Friday.
And we wrap things up with... holy moly, I don't even know what to say. Those things are madness! Oh, to be young and elastic.
Well-played, Scarlett, well-played.
Sideboob Friday is a production of Boiled Sports and runs every Friday in this space. It is in no way a suggestion that we don't love our wives' boobs first and foremost. If you'd like to submit photos/suggestions for Sideboob Friday (or offer to pose), please contact us at