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Question of the Day: Do You Root for IU on Friday?

I'm the first to admit that beating a team for a third time in a season is no gimme. That said, let's pretend for a second that it is. Alright, now pretend it's about 9:00 on Friday night. We all want to see a re-match between Purdue and IU, but that means IU must also win. Do you root for the Hoosiers?

It's not like IU will be playing Duke or some other evil entity, it'll be the cuddly Gophers (probably). So, as a Purdue fan, can you bring yourself to root for the Hoosiers, even for just one sultry regretful night? I think I can...Oh, I think I will.

I'm sure, I'll wake up the next morning feeling used, dirty and disgusting, but I want a damned rematch so much that I'll get into bed, at least for a few hours, with the enemy. Let's hope the 6:30 game goes according to plan first and then we have the opportunity to make such a choice.