Easiest Big Ten Schedule -- According to a Dumbass
No, I don't mean any of us here at BS. I'm referring to my old friend Mark Schlabach of ESPN.com.
Mark has decided to do another of his completely meaningless, rambling, incoherent, inconclusive, random lists... and this time, he's listing the ten easiest schedules in the nation. Does this mean these teams should go 12-0? Who knows? I don't think it does, because judging by the top two easiest schedules, that would be one hell of a prediction.
Iowa is the number 1 easiest, followed by IU at the second easiest, according to the knuckle-dragging Schlabach.
Ohhhhhhh, I see. This is yet another shot at the Big Ten, only this time it's cleverly veiled since saying "Sorry everyone, OSU might make it back to the title game" was beginning to get a bit tired even for hacks like Schlabach.
Okay, I gotcha. And I see the Big Ten has the top two easiest schedules in the nation. Yes, yes, definitely see your point there, Mark. It's not like they play in a tough conference at all or play a schedule as hard as, say, Arkansas State or Idaho or whomever. Yeah, the Big Ten definitely deserves to coninue to have shots taken at it.
Mark Schlabach, you sir, continue to be a fool.