I Blew It For The Giants — Boiled Sports

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I Blew It For The Giants

Let me explain.

Because I dislike the Cowboys so much and enjoy seeing Bill Parcells mad (and apparently, deaf -- did anyone else see his press conference?), I used all my hex mojo up on Saturday night. I was truly sad when the refs said Witten had the first down at the one-yard-line when I thought there was no way he got there. I also didn't realize that spots could be reviewed, but I was thrilled when it turned out to be fourth down for the Cowgirls.

But then they lined up for an easy field goal to win the game, and so I hoped they'd screw it up or get blocked. And they did screw it up. Or, more accurately, prematurely annointed football god Tony Romo screwed it up. ("Hey, come on, guys! The ball is slippery!")

So when the Giants and Eagles came down to a last-second field goal, I must have not had any mojo left to put the hex on the Eagles. Interestingly, the Eagles winning field goal was a non-gimme (37 yards) and it was raining. And presumably they, too, used to "K" balls that are suddenly a topic of discussion. Yet Koy Detmer (who knew he was still in the league?) held perfectly and David Akers ended the Giants stellar 8-9 season. Oh well.

In Boiled Sports news, however, we actually did okay with our picks. Tim and I both went 3-1 and boilerdowd cleaned up at 4-0. Nicely done, gents.

Since we did a QB photo-compare last week, I'm thinking later this week we'll do a coaches comparison. Then maybe the week after we'll look at mascots or logos or something. By the Super Bowl we'll be evaluating the teams' choice of jockstraps. Good times ahead.

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