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Beckham Set To Debut...Hundreds Interested

In one week, David Beckham will make his MLS, why is that news to us here at Boiled Sports? Well, it's really not, but since things usually come in threes, I thought we'd have one more European-related article.

While I kind of respect the MLS for trying to make their league respectable/interesting/popular, I see this move as less-than-wise...and I know nothing about soccer (some call it football, not me). He is a 32 year-old...and from what I understand, soccer takes a lot of running. I'm 32, and running is harder than it used to be for me- and I don't have the miles on my tires that Backham does. Sure, he's in a touch-better shape than I, but it doesn't change the fact that his best years as an athlete are probably behind him.

So is MLS suddenly worth watching with its new addition? No. I don't even think it's worth watching for soccer fans. From what I've been told, MLS is a far-inferior product when compared to its cousins across the pond. Not only is the talent at a lower level here, but also, the game is much slower. Granted, I don't think Premier League is fast-enough to make it worth watching, but that's just me.

My countdown to real football has began...and the clock can't move fast enough.

My only hope with Beckham's move to the states is that Victoria Posh Beckham Spice can hook up with Nicole Richie & Paris Hilton so some hijinks can be caught by the paparazzi (please note, this comment is made soaking with sarcasm).