Boiled Sports

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Handsome Hour for October 14 Reminder

Admit it -- we're much better to listen to that most of the utterly awful dreck that passes for "sports radio" these days. And we're only on once a week, so how annoying can we be? (Wait, don't answer that.)

The Boiled Sports Handsome Hour for October 14. More tent-folding than you can shake a wobbly punt at. And hopefully, it'll actually be streaming live this week.

We also expect to be joined early in the hour by one of the gentlemen who have been on the Big Ten Stadium Tour this year. They're on their way to Purdue this weekend and are always looking for people to visit with, get a feel for tailgating, etc. Our Boilers may not be winning much, but we can at least show these guys a good time. Visit their site and contact them if you're willing to have them swing by your tailgate -- you'll likely make their site and be thanked profusely.

Visit them here: