Nothing to see here...and other notes

After taking Huggy Bear's boys behind the shed and beating them as if they'd stolen something, Matty's club is still the fourth-best team in America. But, computers aren't as fond of our Boilers as are living beings.

Pomeroy's poll continues to confuse and befuddle by placing the Boilers at seventh place. What's noteworthy here, is that a team that causes trepidation for me, Wisconsin, is higher in this poll. My thought about Bo Ryan's team is simple- Purdue simply cannot continue to own the Badgers the way they have. Wisconsin's too good. I know, I know, Purdue matches up well with them, but Ryan's a sharp guy...and after spending a romantic summer away with Hummel in Europe, he probably knows a lot of Matty's secrets.

The RPI poll is even more curious to me. West Virginia has beaten some OK teams the last few weeks...just barely. But, when they entered into Mackey, they lost their mojo at about the ten-minute mark. Purdue, who was up by twenty-five at times, ended up beating up on WVU, as you all know...but, that thrashing helped them, I guess. They currently sit atop of the RPI rankings. Okie dokie.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again- none of this stuff matters...but wouldn't it be nice, just to warm the cockles of our hearts, to see Purdue get some props???

You ask, and you receive:
Joe Lunardi finds Matty's boys delicious...and gives them the highest seeding possible in his pretend tournament this week. Yeah, I know, I doesn't matter either. You're exactly right.

Keep on winning...leave no doubt and forget about the polls.

Next up, Purdue faces Minny at Mackey at 7:00 tomorrow...hopefully, Northwestern's athletic department won't conspire against us once again.

Thanks to everyone for your patience over the past few weeks. J's son is now full-grown and training to be a model like his Dad. While my daughter is pretty, healthy and tiny...and resembles her Dad in last name only, thank God.

Workmanlike Non-Elite Boilers Equal Best Start in School History

Johnson and Boilers make Mountaineers crumble