Trivia Day 1 Answer

The answer for Day 1 was crowd favorite Billy Dicken. (He makes terrific cider, by the way.)

In the 1997 Alamo Bowl, Billy led the Boilers to a win over Oklahoma State 33-20 in San Antonio, throwing for 325 yards and completing a 9-3 season in Joe Tiller's first year at the helm.

Here's to more first-year success like this.

And thanks to reader Derrick on reminding us what Billy is up to these days, as he is the OC/QBs coach at Illinois Wesleyan

Congrats to our winners and thanks for the huge response. Enjoy the remaining chances to win.

BS Trivia Contest Day 3: Win Tickets to Heart of Dallas Bowl

BS Trivia Contest Day 2: Win Tickets to Heart of Dallas Bowl