I know I don't really need to remind any of you loyal readers of this, but Brent Yarina's Big Ten Blog over at BTN has a nice rundown on some Big Ten alum performances in the NFL this past weekend.
You'll note, also, that the list doesn't include the Monday night game which featured another guy you may have heard of: Drew Brees.
I only mention this in case any of you have, like me, recently been getting besieged by insecure SEC fans who in the midst of a decent but not overwhelmingly good season for their conference have chosen to begin minimizing every other conference. You know how they like to do that. One of my favorite arguments put forth to me recently was around the idea that the SEC puts more players into the NFL than any other conference. Maybe that's possible, but let's not get silly.
More on this coming at some point, I think, because their drooling, circular logic is just too much fun to pass up.